Carmen Marin
Acupuncture & Chinese Massage
Mondays and Thursdays
Please contact directly for pricing
Mobile: 00353857520901
Acupuncture can be seen as a non-invasive and a drug-free alternative to western medicine. It is applied by inserting a tiny needle through the skin at areas known as acupoints in order to get a therapeutic effect.
To fully understand how Acupuncture works, it is necessary to get familiar with the Chinese philosophy and its concept of health and disease. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), disease is linked to an energetic imbalance within the body. Stimulating specific acupoints can help re-establish balance in body tissues and its related organs.
As all tissues and organs of the body are interdependent, the whole body is affected by the procedure and the energy flow is regulated in all body parts. Acupuncture is a good example of TCM’s holistic approach to cure not only the illness itself, but also its cause.
In many cases the best results from a treatment is obtained by using Acupuncture, Chinese Tui-na Medical Massage and Cupping simultaneously, as they complement each other and are built on the same medical foundations.
As a member of the AFPA (Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association) your treatment with me may be covered by your health insurance company, depending on your health plan.
Acupuncture is best known to treat the following health issues:
Stress and Anxiety
Sleep disturbances
Labour & Birth
Cervical Ripening
Breached baby
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Digestive problems
Fertility issues
Chronic pain (neck, period pain, widespread pain, etc.)
Acute and chronic lower back pain
Tennis elbow
Golfer’s elbow
Frozen shoulder
Jaw pain/TMJD
Fibromyalgia syndrome
Post-surgery pain
Facial Rejuvenation